In postgress I have the following function that uses ST_MakeEnvelope
based on the Google Maps viewport coordinates to returns all projects within that viewport.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.search_projects_area(
lngw double precision,
lats double precision,
lnge double precision,
latn double precision
) RETURNS SETOF project_locations LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $ function $
project_locations A
A.location :: geography,
ST_MakeEnvelope(lngw, lats, lnge, latn, 4326) :: geography
) $ function $
Below is how I get the coordinates to create the envelope:
const bounds =;
const sw =;
const ne =;
const lngw = sw.lng();
const lats =;
const lnge = ne.lng();
const latn =;
The problem is that projects in specific areas are not fetched sometimes depending on where I have the map zoomed or positioned. The projects are defenitely inside the viewport though in all cases.
Its as if the ST_MakeEnvelope
method doesnt create the correct rectangle based on the map viewport.
Is my code above correct?
By casting to geography
, the bounding box edges are created using great circle arcs instead of straight lines. Therefore, a point that looks inside the viewport (projected in 3857) may be outside of the box.
So either you do want to work with great circle arcs and it is a display issue, or you want to stick to what is displayed and you would need to remove the cast to geography