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Sapper on:click event Modifiers in IE11

I have a running sapper app and works really well in the modern browsers and am trying to support IE11 if I can.

The problem I have is none of the event modifiers fire. My code looks like this:

    let active = false;   

    function clickHandle() {


        if( !active ) {
            active = true
        } else {
            active = false;

<div on:click|preventDefault={clickHandle}>
            <svg height="33" viewBox="0 0 30 33" width="30" xmlns="">
                <g fill="#2e2e46" fill-rule="evenodd">
                    <path d="m29.2499952 0-29.2499952 3.64484922v6.51349338l29.2499952-3.64464779z"/>
                    <path d="m29.2499952 11-29.2499952 3.6448492v6.5134934l29.2499952-3.6446478z"/>
                    <path d="m29.2499952 22-29.2499952 3.6448492v6.5134934l29.2499952-3.6446478z"/>

IE11 will just not fire any on:click event. I am using the default rollup.config - Not sure if it's one of those where I cant support IE11 as trying to test in IE11 does not work so probably guessing its not supported.


  • The default rollup config includes "legacy" support. It automatically detects older browsers and uses different javascript. However, this legacy support does not include support for IE11 out-of-the-box. The logic to handle it looks like this:

    (function() {
        try {
            eval("async function x(){}");
            var main = "${main}"
        } catch (e) {
            main = "${legacy_main}"
        var s = document.createElement("script");
        try {
            new Function("if(0)import('')")();
            s.src = main;
            s.type = "module";
            s.crossOrigin = "use-credentials";
        } catch (e) {
            s.src = "${req.baseUrl}/client/shimport@${build_info.shimport}.js";
            s.setAttribute("data-main", main);

    You will need some more polyfills. The first issue you are likely to find is that shmimport doesn't work without them. There's some discussion about that here: You will also need to serve modules transpiled to ES5.