I'm learning PHP and I'm trying to create a shopping cart using only PHP and $_SESSION
What I'm trying to achieve is:
My current problems are:
I'm struggling with implementing a global quantity variable, I don't understand how to manage it and update it.
I feel like I'm being a bit hopeful/naive with my delete function and that the array check is off, but I'm unsure how to fix it.
I think that the reset cart function is close, but I'm short one step. I just don't know where
Any help would be or a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
My code
session_start ();
$items = [
[ "name" => "Lord of the Rings", "price" => 16.72 ],
[ "name" => "The Name of The Wind", "price" => 35.54 ],
[ "name" => "The Way of Kings", "price" => 32.237 ],
[ "name" => "Gravity Rising", "price" => 24.75 ],
[ "name" => "The Hobbit", "price" => 30.30 ],
//loads cart
if (! isset ( $_SESSION ['cart'] )) {
$_SESSION ['cart'] = array ();
//Attempt to add quantity variabke for cart
// for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) {
// $_SESSION["qty"][$i] = 0;
// Add
if (isset ( $_POST ["buy"] )) {
//Atempt to add quantity variable
//If item is already in cart, quantity += 1. Else add item.
//if (in_array($_POST ["buy"], $_SESSION['cart'])) {
$_SESSION ['cart'][] = $_POST["buy"];
// Delete Item
else if (isset ( $_POST ['delete'] )) {
if (false !== $key = array_search($_POST['delete'], $_SESSION['cart'])) { // check item in array
unset($_SESSION['cart'][$key]); // remove item
// Empty Cart
else if (isset ( $_POST ["reset"] )) { // remove item from cart
unset ( $_SESSION ['cart'] );
<form action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>' method='post'>
<form action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>' method='post'>
foreach ( $items as $ino => $item ) {
$name = $item ['name'];
$price = $item ['price'];
echo " <p>$name</p>";
echo '<p>$' . number_format((float)$item['price'], 2, '.', '') . '</p>';
echo "<button type='submit' name='buy' value='$ino'>Buy</button> ";
if (isset ( $_SESSION ["cart"] )) {
<form action='(omitted link)'
target='_blank' method='post'
// Set a default total
$total = 0;
foreach ( $_SESSION['cart'] as $ino ) {
<?php echo $items[$ino]['name']; ?>
<?php echo number_format((float)$items[$ino]['price'], 2, '.', ''); ?>
Quantity: <?php echo "";?>
<button type='submit' name='reset' value='<?php echo $ino; ?>'>Delete</button>
$total += number_format((float)$items[$ino]['price'], 2, '.', '');
} // end foreach
Total: $<?php echo $total; ?>
<td colspan="2">Total: $<?php echo($total); ?></td>
<td><button type='submit' name='clear'>Clear cart</button></td>
<?php } ?>
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
There is one major issue with your code:
loop and assignment:
foreach ( $items as $ino => $item ) {
in combination with echo "<button type='submit' name='buy' value='$ino'>Buy</button> ";
is dangerous. $ino
refers to the array index, in the moment a new product is added somewhere in the list (and not at the end of it) all elements in the cart might point to the wrong product.
You have an array with ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana']
. User decides to add all three to the cart. The cart now contains [0, 1, 2]
or "Apple, Orange, Banana".
If these values would now come from a database, someone might have added "Strawberry" to the list and reordered the catalog so the new array would be something like ['Apple', 'Strawberry', 'Orange', 'Banana']
. The cart would still have the old values [0, 1, 2]
and would now point to "Apple, Strawberry, Orange". Instead use a product ID right from the start.
Fix and a bit of help:
I am not going to write your code as you want to learn it yourself. But just to give you some advice and help here are some hints.
Use a product ID:
$items = [
[ "pid" => "LOTR", "name" => "Lord of the Rings", "price" => 16.72 ],
[ "pid" => "NameWind", "name" => "The Name of The Wind", "price" => 35.54 ],
[ "pid" => "WayKings", "name" => "The Way of Kings", "price" => 32.237 ],
[ "pid" => "GravRi", "name" => "Gravity Rising", "price" => 24.75 ],
[ "pid" => "Hobbit", "name" => "The Hobbit", "price" => 30.30 ],
Use the key in the cart
session variable:
In the loop use the ID as product reference:
$pid = $item ['pid'];
echo "<button type='submit' name='buy' value='$pid'>Buy</button> ";
... and increment the value by one if it is already in the cart ...
if (isset ( $_POST["buy"] )) {
if (array_key_exists($_POST["buy"], $_SESSION['cart'])) {
$_SESSION['cart'][$_POST["buy"]] += 1;
} else {
$_SESSION['cart'][$_POST["buy"]] = 1;
Then decrement the value using the same approach for the delete button.
Resetting the cart:
The cart won't get cleared as you are checking for $_POST["reset"]
but the button has the name "clear": <button type='submit' name='clear'>Clear cart</button>