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Find out & update a particular IP in multiple SGs on AWS

Wanted to list the SGs of a VPC that has a particular IP whitelisted. Update this IP to a different IP in all the SGs that contains it or create another rule in those SGs to add a new rule with the different IP.


 Consider is present in 3 different SGs of a VPC namely: sg1, sg3, sg7. 

Out of a total of 10 SGs in the VPC, wanted to list & identify the 3 SGs that have the IP whitelisted.

Trying the same via AWS CLI. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Wanted to list the SGs of a VPC that has a particular IP whitelisted

    This command will return all SGs that has following IP whitelisted

    Accepted variable

    • IP
    • Region
    IP="" && region=us-west-2 &&  aws ec2 describe-security-groups --region=$region  --filters Name=ip-permission.cidr,Values=$IP --query "SecurityGroups[*].{Name:GroupName,vpc:VpcId,sg:GroupId,Region:\``echo $region`\` }" --output table

    Sample output

    |                                                    DescribeSecurityGroups                                                    |
    |                                  Name                                  |  Region    |          sg           |      vpc       |
    |  demo-sg                                                               |  us-west-2 |  sg-12345555555555555 |  vpc-12345  |