link to code in pastebin I'm new to Python, and I attempted to create a calculator application. I'm using the Appjar library for my calculator GUI. The calculator works fine, but the appjar label "bar" will not update, despite changes in the variable accumulator. I have attempted to add loops, appjar's .after() function, and messing with appjar's automatic updating system, but I cannot seem to fix the problem.
#define variables
accumulator = 0
mem = 0
op = ''
#import GUI
from appJar import gui
app=gui("Grid Demo", "500x600")
# Do the math will take the accumulator and memory registers and perform the prevailing operation on them.
# It returns the result, as an integer
def doTheMath(a,b,o):
if o == "add":
return a + b
if o == "sub":
return b - a
if o == "mul":
return a * b
if o == "div":
return b/a
#press function defines the output of each button.
def press(button):
global accumulator
global mem
global op
print ("A button was pressed: " + button)
if button == "C":
accumulator = 0
op = ""
mem = 0
elif button == "=":
accumulator = doTheMath(accumulator,mem,str(op))
mem = 0
op = ""
elif button == "+":
op = "add"
mem = accumulator
accumulator = 0
elif button == "-":
op = "sub"
mem = accumulator
accumulator = 0
elif button == "x":
op = "mul"
mem = accumulator
accumulator = 0
elif button == "÷":
op = "div"
mem = accumulator
accumulator = 0
accumulator = accumulator * 10 + int(button)
print ("Acc: " + str(accumulator) + ", op: " + op + ", mem: " + str(mem))
#define widgets in GUI
app.addLabel("bar", error+str(accumulator), 0, 0, 3)
app.addButtons(["1"], press, 3, 0)
app.addButtons(["2"], press, 3, 1)
app.addButtons(["3"], press, 3, 2)
app.addButtons(["4"], press, 2, 0)
app.addButtons(["5"], press, 2, 1)
app.addButtons(["6"], press, 2, 2)
app.addButtons(["7"], press, 1, 0)
app.addButtons(["8"], press, 1, 1)
app.addButtons(["9"], press, 1, 2)
app.addButtons(["0"], press, 4, 1)
app.addButtons(["+"], press, 3, 3)
app.addButtons(["-"], press, 4, 3)
app.addButtons(["x"], press, 2, 3)
app.addButtons(["÷"], press, 1, 3)
app.addButtons(["="], press, 4, 2)
app.addButtons(["C"], press, 4, 0)
Appjar needs .setlable()
to be referenced anytime any variable within "bar" changes,
I made a function called changeLable(),
def changeLabel():
app.setLabel("bar", error+str(accumulator))
That when referenced at the end of the set of if statements, changes the label "bar", to error+str(accumulator
Credit to jasonharper.