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How to get all snapshot by using of Azure Mgmt SDK fluent

I am using Fluent for getting resources in Azure programmatically(C# .NET-Core Web app) and tried to get resources information by providing service principals as below:

string subscriptionId="XXX"; 
AzureCredentials cred = new AzureCredentialsFactory()
                       UIConstants.Secret, UIConstants.Tenant,AzureEnvironment
var azure = Azure.Configure()

When I tried to get all snapshot like this

foreach (var s in azure.Snapshots.List())
//get snapshot

But there is no error and loop is also not executing. Is there any code sample in C# which get all all snapshot info.


  • As mentioned in the comment, this is due to no snapshots are there.

    Actually, before the loop, you can determine that if there're snapshots returned or not. The code like below:

    using System.Linq;
    //your other code
     //convert to list
     var mysanpshots = azure.Snapshots.List().ToList();            
     //if there are snapshots existing
     if (mysanpshots.Count > 0)
          foreach (var s in mysanpshots)
     //if no snapshots