I have this custom function type MyFuncType that accepts a single argument of type MyStruct:
type MyStruct struct {
SomeVar string
type MyFuncType func(MyStruct)
var fn MyFuncType
fn = func(ms MyStruct) {//...}
Then I thought I could change the definition of MyFuncType to pass additional arguments:
type MyFuncType func(MyStruct, ...interface{})
var fn MyFuncType
fn = func(ms MyStruct, suffix string, anythigIWant int) {//...}
Now the compiler complains about incompatible type for fn. Ok, I think I can understand that a variable number of arguments can not define a function signature... But even with the definition below:
type MyFuncType func(MyStruct, interface{})
It's the same song. Finally it is not possible to use interface{} as [any]type for an argument in a custom function type or am I missing something here?
My workaround is to attach the implementation of functions of type MyFuncType to a struct which provides additional required data.
Your issue is the func signature, you need to define it exactly as it is in the type
, and then you can use it sending whatever you want:
type MyFuncType func(MyStruct, ...interface{})
var fn MyFuncType
fn = func(ms MyStruct, args...interface{}) {
fmt.Println(ms.SomeVar, args[0], args[1])
// Using it as if the signature was:
// func(ms MyStruct, suffix string, anythigIWant int)
fn(MyStruct{SomeVar: "some var"}, "suffix", 123)
Check it out: https://play.golang.org/p/R_qZoul9AcV