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Memory reference

Is c point to a or is c point to the same memory that a is pointing to? Why does the following code print "We are equal"?

Thanks in advance

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        String a = "10";
        String b = "10";
        String c = a;
        if(c.equals(b)) {
            System.out.println("We are equal ");
        else {
            System.out.println("Not equal! ");


  • Java stores objects by reference... the reference just happens to be the value when we use primitives.

    int is a primitive so

    a == c => true

    a == b => true

    b == c => true

    With Strings the situation is slightly different. Strings are effectively char arrays: char[] but are not considered primitive types in Java.. so:

    "str1" == "str1" => false since you're comparing two object references now.

    For this reason the Object class has the equals() method which allows you to compare reference objects (non-primitives) via something other than the object reference ID. The String (a subclass of Object.class) class overrides the equals method.

    In your example (above) you say:

    So why is ab==abc false. They are both pointing to same address.

    This is incorrect. ab points to String that is "meowdeal" and abc points to a String that is also "meowdeal"... but crucially they are two distinct instances. Therefore:

    ab==abc => false - here your checking for reference equality - are they the same object reference (no they are not)

    ab.equals(abc) => true - here you're checking for string equality (is ab's "meowdeal" the same as abc's "meowdeal" - yes it is.

    This is one of those curveball interview questions you might get from time to time so worth being aware of.