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Comparing results of a previous query within a recursive query

I have set up a query to find the earliest time Person X was promoted to a specific rank-

"firsttimeEMplus" AS (
    SELECT MIN(ra."EffectiveDate")
    FROM rankachievement ra
    WHERE ra."NewRank" IN ('Executive Manager', 
         'Associate Director', 
         'Senior Director', 
         'Executive Director', 
         'Managing Director'))

Now what I would like to do is to use the result of this query as part of a CASE statement within my recursive query where I figure out if Person X was promoted before their parent. So, where the child firsttimeEMplus < parent firsttimeEMplus

SELECT (CASE WHEN (**child**"firsttimeEMplus" <= **parent**"firsttimeEMplus) THEN etc....

But I am confused on what syntax would allow me to compare the parent to the child like this, or if I can even do something like this within a CASE statement. If anyone could provide guidance or resources or where I could find examples of how this might work, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!


  • This is without recursion.

    The idea is to get a list of all your persons with their first_time_em date. Using a left join and a filter clause will return all persons whether they ever made it to EM level.

    Join this result back onto itself, connecting each record with its parent record. Again this is a left join since the person at the top of the hierarchy should not have a parent.

    The case statement could be just a boolean comparison with coalesce since all we need is true/false. The possible conditions are:

    1. Child's first_time_em is before parent's first_time_em, which yields true
    2. Child has a first_time_em and the boss does not (null), which coalesce() turns into 9999-12-31, which yields true
    3. Child has no first_time_em (null), yields false by the else
    4. Child's first_time_em is after parent's first_time_em, yields false by the 'else`
    5. Neither child nor parent have a first_time_em, yields false by the else
    with person_achievement as (
      select p.person_id, p.parent_id, 
               filter (when ra."NewRank" in 
                 ('Executive Manager', 'Associate Director', 'Director', 
                  'Senior Director', 'Executive Director', 'Managing Director')
               ) as first_time_em
        from person p
        left join rankachievement ra 
          on ra.person_id = p.person_id
    select pc.*, 
             when pc.first_time_em < coalesce(pp.first_time_em, '9999-12-31') then true
             else false
           end as made_em_before_boss
      from person_achievement pc
      left join person_achievement pp
        on pp.person_id = pc.parent_id