With Strong
to Constant Prefix
consistency levels, they guarantee reads will never see out-of-order writes.
The below questions are particularly of interest with a multi-region + multi-master setup; if this makes a difference to the answer, I would be interested to understand what/why those differences are.
Is order maintained across multiple Physical Partitions?
For example with:
Partition1/InsertRow [val 1]
Partition1/InsertRow [val 2]
Partition2/InsertRow [val 3]
Is it possible that data could be made available for reading in the order:
[val 1]
[val 3]
[val 2]
In a similar example, is order maintained across multiple Containers?
There are two reasons I'm unsure.
With Cosmos Triggers, the order of changes can only be guaranteed within each physical partition.
Containers "serve as the logical units of distribution" Global data distribution - under the hood
For a multi-master account, readers in different regions where writes are made to a single region will get consistent prefix. When writes are in different regions, readers will get eventual consistency.
This is all documented here Consistency Levels in Cosmos DB.