I am trying to use Scriban Template Engine for multiple loop support. For Example
string bodyTextSub = "{{ for service in services }} ServiceName: {{ service }} {{ end }}" +
"{{ for subservice in subServiceList }} SubServiceName: {{ subservice }} {{ end }}";
List<string> subServiceList = new List<string>
Dictionary<string, List<string>> serviceDictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>()
{"emailContent", subServiceList},
{"mailContent", subServiceList}
var template2 = Template.Parse(bodyTextSub);
var result2 = template2.Render(new { services = serviceDictionary });
I am getting the output like
ServiceName: {key: emailContent, value: [PingSubService, UrlSubService]}
I want that based on the key we should loop in the subservices but it is not happening. Can anyone help me in this ?
My second question does Scriban Template Engine Supports nested looping ? Thanks in Advance
Scriban does support nested looping. I've updated your code to show how you would do this. I've updated the code and the results per your request.
var bodyTextSub = @"{{ for service in services }}
ServiceName: {{ service.key }} {{$counter = 1}}
SubServices: {{ for subService in service.value }}{{ `
`; $counter + `. `; $counter = $counter + 1 ; }}{{ subService }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}";
var subServiceList = new List<string>
var serviceDictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>()
{"emailContent", subServiceList},
{"mailContent", subServiceList}
var template2 = Template.Parse(bodyTextSub);
var result2 = template2.Render(new {services = serviceDictionary});
This will result in the following output:
ServiceName: emailContent
1. PingSubService
2. UrlSubService
ServiceName: mailContent
1. PingSubService
2. UrlSubService