I have a problem with UserDefaults
. I am using UserDefaults(suiteName: UserDefaults.Keys.groupKey)
because I also have a Share Extension
. This is my setup:
extension UserDefaults:
func setDataSourceArray(data: [Wishlist]?){
set(try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(data), forKey: Keys.dataSourceKey)
func getDataSourceArray() -> [Wishlist]? {
if let data = self.value(forKey: Keys.dataSourceKey) as? Data {
if let dataSourceArray =
try? PropertyListDecoder().decode(Array < Wishlist > .self, from: data) as[Wishlist] {
return dataSourceArray
return nil
Calling set:
// save dataSourceArray in UserDefaults
if let defaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: UserDefaults.Keys.groupKey) {
defaults.setIsLoggedIn(value: true)
defaults.setDataSourceArray(data: dataArray as? [Wishlist])
defaults.setDropOptions(dropOptions: self.dropOptions)
} else {
print("error Main")
works perfectly fine. No error.
Calling get:
if let defaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: UserDefaults.Keys.groupKey) {
if defaults.isLoggedIn(){
if let data = defaults.getDataSourceArray(){
} else {
print("Error getting dataSourceArray")
} else {
} else {
print("error 1")
This always prints: "Error getting dataSourceArray". I am stuck and have no idea what Im doing wrong here, so Im happy for every help!
I noticed a weird behavior which I can not explain: when in Calling set I only call defaults.setDataSourceArray(data: dataArray as? [Wishlist])
without setting isLoggedIn
and dropOptions
it works fine?! Can anyone explain that to me?
I solved the problem.. Stupid beginners problem. When setDropOptions
inside UserDefaults
I used the key
from dataSourceArray
. Fixed that and its working now. Thanks for everyone who tried to help anyway :)