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How to produce lorentzian 2D sources in python

I am trying to produce 2D sources and add them to an image. Currently I'm generating gaussian sources through Gaussian2D (astropy):

min_x = int(rapix[i]) - 300
max_x = int(rapix[i]) + 300
min_y = int(decpix[i]) - 300
max_y = int(decpix[i]) + 300
y, x = np.mgrid[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x] #HERE I CREATE THE GRID TO PUT THE SOURCES ON

fakesource = Gaussian2D(intensity, rapix[i], decpix[i], dimension, dimension)(x, y)

where the intensity and dimensions have been defined previously. I'd like to produce Lorentzian sources instead of Gaussians, but I did not find anything similar to Gaussian2D. Which is the best way to do it?


  • Lorentz1D exists, though no Lorentz2D, but you can define one following the guide for implementing custom models. Here's a basic example:

    from astropy.modeling import Fittable2DModel, Parameter
    class Lorentz2D(Fittable2DModel):
        amplitude = Parameter()
        x_0 = Parameter()
        y_0 = Parameter()
        fwhm = Parameter
        def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, fwhm):
            hwhm = fwhm / 2.0
            return (amplitude * hwhm /
                    ((x - x_0)**2 + (y - y_0)**2 + hwhm**2)**1.5)

    I don't know if this is exactly how your 2D Lorentzian model is defined; I just adapated this definition from Wikipedia. But you can modify this example as-needed.

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