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create new grayscale mask image by merging two other masks in python

I have two masks and the desired mask result as shown below:

2 original masks and the desired result

I want to create a desired mask result by combining the first 2 masks. Howvever, I only want to produce the white regions if they overlap. IF they don't overlap, then the area should remain black. I'm unsure of how to proceed.

At the moment I have imported the image via cv2 and created a third numpy array based on the dimensions of the original image. I then loop through the two masks and have set a condition based on whether the two values (255 or 0) are the same. If they are then I want to store them or set them in the new mask...:

necrosis_mask_observer_1 = cv2.imread(mask1, 0)
necrosis_mask_observer_2 = cv2.imread(mask2, 0)

map = np.empty(necrosis_mask_observer_1.shape)

height, width = map.shape

# do something here?

for i in range(width):
     for j in range(height):

         necrosis_mask_observer_1_sum = necrosis_mask_observer_1[j : (j+1), i : (i+1)].sum()
         necrosis_mask_observer_2_sum = necrosis_mask_observer_2[j : (j+1), i : (i+1)].sum()

         if necrosis_mask_observer_1_sum == necrosis_mask_observer_2_sum:

         #do something here?


  • You can do that with a bitwise and operation in Python/OpenCV.


    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    import cv2
    # read mask 1
    mask1 = cv2.imread('mask1.png')
    # read mask 2
    mask2 = cv2.imread('mask2.png')
    # combine mask
    mask3 = cv2.bitwise_and(mask1,mask2)
    # save result
    # show result
    cv2.imshow('mask3', mask3)

    Combined mask:

    enter image description here