I have had a lot of issues setting up phpcs
and vscode
— they worked perfectly for a while, but then after reorganizing some folders, I moved my wpcs
repo somewhere else. Now trying to reconfigure phpcs
and cannot figure out what the problem is. I keep getting an error that Universal.WhiteSpace.DisallowInlineTabs
does not exist. Here is a screenshot
Any idea what's going on?
I used homebrew to install phpcs
instead of composer. Because I didn't want to switch to composer I started using PHPCSUtils
's 'Non-Composer based integration' but realized that I didn't want to have to manually update the package every time a new release came out.
Instead I cloned PHPCSUtils
and PHPCSExtras
into directories in the same parent folder as my WPCS
directory. Then I symlinked them into the WPCS
git clone git@github.com:WordPress/WordPress-Coding-Standards.git wpcs
git clone git@github.com:PHPCSStandards/PHPCSExtra.git
git clone git@github.com:PHPCSStandards/PHPCSUtils.git
cd wpcs
ln -s ../PHPCSUtils/PHPCSUtils PHPCSUtils
ln -s ../PHPCSExtra/Universal Universal
ln -s ../PHPCSExtra/NormalizedArrays NormalizedArrays