I have the following script in my package.json file to check the code coverage of the UT:
"coverage": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=cobertura mocha ./test/apis_new/* --reporter mocha-sonarqube-reporter --reporter-options output=xunit.xml mocha ./test/apis_new/* --reporter mochawesome --exit"
When I run the above command, only mochawesome-report folder is getting generated but there is no such file as xunit.xml.
If I run the bellow command where I have changed the order of mochawesome and sonarqube, xunit.xml is geting generated but not mochawesome-report folder:
"coverage": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=cobertura mocha ./test/apis_new/* --reporter mochawesome mocha ./test/apis_new/* --reporter mocha-sonarqube-reporter --reporter-options output=xunit.xml --exit"
What am I doing wrong? Is this the right way to use both together in a single script?
Natively, mocha supports only one reporter, so all behaves as expected only one of reporters (possibly first) is used.
Check out mocha-multi-reporters. I use it to generate xunit
and spec