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order list from ansible network interfaces

i'm trying to setup an linux docker host w/ ansible. as already known docker creates network interfaces. my machine has also two network interfaces for networking w/ diffrent networks. the playbook snippet looks like this:

    - name: Dump grep matching interfaces from ansible_interfaces
         interfaces_list: "{{ ansible_interfaces | select('match', '^(ens)[0-9]+') | list
    - name: Push 50-net.yaml
        src: netplan.j2
        dest: "/etc/netplan/50-net.yaml"
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r

the netplan.j2 template like this

        {{ interfaces_list[0] }}:
          addresses: [{{ prod_net_ip }}/24]
          gateway4: <gateway-ip>
            addresses: [<dns-server-ip>]
          dhcp4: no
        {{ interfaces_list[1] }}:
          addresses: [{{ storage_net_ip }}/24]
          dhcp4: no
    version: 2

this is just to understand what i'm trying to do.

interfaces_list can look like this

but the networks are defined manually not w/ dhcp, so i need the list in proper order.

How can i order the interfaces_list in the first step or even in another step?


  • How can i order the interfaces_list in the first step or even in another step?

    List can be sorted using sort jinja2 filter on the set_fact step itself like so,

    - set_fact:
        interfaces_list: "{{ ansible_interfaces | select('match', '^(ens)[0-9]+') | sort | list }}"

    debug gives,

    ok: [localhost] => 
      - ens192
      - ens224