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Unable to store and retrieve data from LiteDb

I am trying to write one object to LiteDb and read it back. I have tried following code but somehow all parameters of LiteDbParamEntry object are returned as NULL or zero.

public class LiteDbParamEntry
    public int Id
        get { return (Index * 0x100) + SubIndex; }

    public ushort Index;

    public ushort SubIndex;

    public string Text;

public class LiteDbParamValueStorage
    private const string _liteDbPath = "MyLiteData.db";

    public LiteDbParamValueStorage()
        WriteEntry(123, 25);
        ReadEntry(123, 25);

    public void WriteEntry(ushort index, ushort subIndex)
        using (var db = new LiteDatabase(_liteDbPath))
            var entry = new LiteDbParamEntry {Index = index, SubIndex = subIndex, Text = "SomeText"};

            var entries = db.GetCollection<LiteDbParamEntry>("LiteDbParamEntry");


    public void ReadEntry(ushort index, ushort subIndex)
        using (var db = new LiteDatabase(_liteDbPath))
            var collection = db.GetCollection<LiteDbParamEntry>("LiteDbParamEntry");
            var paramEntry = collection.FindById((index * 0x100) + subIndex);
            if (paramEntry != null)
                Console.WriteLine(paramEntry.Text);          //paramEntry.Text is returned as Null

Can somebody please point me in right direction?


  • Finally, i've found what's wrong with your code... You forgot to add { get; set; } instruction on the right side of field declaration ;)

    Take a look here:

    public class LiteDbParamEntry
        public int Id
            get { return (Index * 0x100) + SubIndex; }
        public ushort Index { get; set; } //getter/setter added
        public ushort SubIndex  { get; set; } //getter/setter added
        public string Text  { get; set; } //getter/setter added

    Good luck!