For a project I just started working on, I need to write a firmware in C that lets me boot into two different firmware versions. The task is to be able to update a device which includes an STM in the field using the RS485 Port with an Intel .hex file. My idea was to place the two firmware versions at designated starting addresses in the flash, including some kind of checksum for data integrity. According to the flash module organization found in the reference manual, my first thought was to place one version into sector 10 (starting at 0x080C0000) and the other version into sector 11 (starting at 0x080E0000). After every reset, the STM32 should boot into a "bootmanager" which is just minimum code that decides, whether the firmware in sector 10 or sector 11 is the newer version. I want to clarify my idea in the following graphic: [Rough process][1] [1]:
The 128kBytes of every sector are sufficient. So far, I was able to write Single Bytes into the Flash and read them afterwards. Also, I have already set up a working UART communication using the RS485.
My questions
As I am unexperienced with with jumps: How should I perform the jump from the "bootmanager" into sector 5 firmware? Are the adresses automatically relative to the entry point in sector 5?
Can you give me keywords or tell me, what challenges I will encounter?
*EDIT: I'm aware that the STM itself contains a bootloader. Unluckily, the RS485 device is hardwired to the GPIO pins used by USART2. According to the reference manual, the internal bootloader can only be used by USART1 and USART3, CAN2 and USB OTG FS
Can I just write the .hex file into the Flash as it is without modification like
no you cant. You need to modify the linker script to archive it
You need to have the whole both applications in the FLASH so divide it 50/50%.
I usually add some serial FLASH to have a copy of the firmware if both of the images are damaged.
Yuo need to write the custom bootloader.