I'm hoping to get some advice with setting up InputType
s in TypeGraphQL.
I am implementing many resolvers in a very generic way - I always have a createX
and an updateX
Example with a "User" entity:
@Mutation(returns => User)
async createUser(@Arg('newUser') newUser: UserInput): Promise<User> {
await this.mutatorValidation(newUser)
return this.userRepository.save(newUser)
@Mutation(returns => User)
async updateUser(
@Arg('userId', type => String) userId: string,
@Arg('updateUser') updateUser: Partial<UserInput> // <- THIS IS MY ISSUE
): Promise<User> {
await this.mutatorValidation(updateUser)
let userToUpdate = await this.user(userId)
userToUpdate = { ...userToUpdate, ...updateUser }
return this.userRepository.save(userToUpdate)
User InputType
import { Field, InputType, ID } from 'type-graphql'
import { IsEmail } from 'class-validator'
import { User } from '../../entity/User'
export class UserInput implements Partial<User> {
email: string;
password: string;
name: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
jobTitle?: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
isAdmin?: boolean;
@Field(type => ID, { nullable: true })
userGroupId?: string;
The issue is that when making an update call, all fields will be optional (we provide an ID, and then any number of fields we want to update). I am hoping there is a way to be able to reuse this InputType
so that I can use it for both create and update? The obvious (lengthy) solution is to duplicate every InputType
class and make all fields nullable but then there is a lot of code duplication and it would be easy to miss updating a field down the line. I tried applying the type Partial<UserInput>
to the update arg but it complains that it is not an explicit type.
Is there a way to avoid the code duplication here? Many thanks in advance for any advice you can give!
It's planned but not yet possible.
More info on GitHub issue: https://github.com/MichalLytek/type-graphql/issues/453