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FabricJS selection handling multiple objects

I am struggling with handling the selection of multiple objects. The desired behaviour would be that each object that is clicked will be added to the current selection. Similar to holding shift-key, but also selections using the drag-options should be added to the existing selection. The current behaviour of fabricjs is creating a new selection even when pressing shift-key. In addition the selection should not be cleared when clicking a blank space on the canvas. Deselecting objects should only be possible when clicking a single object which is part of the selection (when dragging selected objects should stay selected). Or by clicking an additional button to clear the full selection (with additional user confirmation).

I tried different setups using "selection:created" and "selection:updated" but this either messed up the selection or resulted in an endless loop because modifying the selection inside the update also triggers the update again.

canvas.on("selection:updated", (event) => {
  event.selected.forEach((fabImg) => {
        if (!this.selectedImages.includes(fabImg)) {
    var groupSelection = new fabric.ActiveSelection(this.selectedImages);

Preventing the clear when clicking on the blank canvas was solved by:

var selection = [];
canvas.on("before:selection:cleared", (selected) => {
  selection = this.canvas.getActiveObjects();
canvas.on("selection:cleared", (event) => {
  var groupSelection = new fabric.ActiveSelection(selection);


  • Just in case someone else is interested, I ended up changing 3 functions in the fabricjs code to achieve the desired behaviour:


    _shouldClearSelection: function (e, target) {
        var activeObjects = this.getActiveObjects(),
          activeObject = this._activeObject;
        return (
          (target &&
            activeObject &&
            activeObjects.length > 1 &&
            activeObjects.indexOf(target) === -1 &&
            activeObject !== target &&
            !this._isSelectionKeyPressed(e)) ||
          (target && !target.evented) ||
          (target &&
            !target.selectable &&
            activeObject &&
            activeObject !== target)

    just removed the check if an object was clicked, to stop deselecting when clicking on blank space.

    _isSelectionKeyPressed: function (e) {
        var selectionKeyPressed = false;
        if (this.selectionKey == "always") {
          return true;
        if (
 === "[object Array]"
        ) {
          selectionKeyPressed = !!this.selectionKey.find(function (key) {
            return e[key] === true;
        } else {
          selectionKeyPressed = e[this.selectionKey];
        return selectionKeyPressed;

    just adding a "dummy" key called "always" to pretend always holding the shift-key. In canvas definition just add this key:

    this.canvas = new fabric.Canvas("c", {
      hoverCursor: "hand",
      selection: true,
      backgroundColor: "#F0F8FF",
      selectionBorderColor: "blue",
      defaultCursor: "hand",
      selectionKey: "always",

    And in canvas_grouping.mixin.js:

    _groupSelectedObjects: function (e) {
        var group = this._collectObjects(e),
        var previousSelection = this._activeObject;
        if (previousSelection) {
          if (previousSelection.type === "activeSelection") {
            var currentActiveObjects = previousSelection._objects.slice(0);
            group.forEach((obj) => {
              if (!previousSelection.contains(obj)) {
            this._fireSelectionEvents(currentActiveObjects, e);
          } else {
            aGroup = new fabric.ActiveSelection(group.reverse(), {
              canvas: this,
            this.setActiveObject(aGroup, e);
            var objects = this._activeObject._objects.slice(0);
            this._fireSelectionEvents(objects, e);
        } else {
          // do not create group for 1 element only
          if (group.length === 1 && !previousSelection) {
            this.setActiveObject(group[0], e);
          } else if (group.length > 1) {
            aGroup = new fabric.ActiveSelection(group.reverse(), {
              canvas: this,
            this.setActiveObject(aGroup, e);

    This will extend existing groups on drag-select instead of overwriting the existing selection.