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"permission denied" on ~/.ddev/ssh-auth-compose.yaml and router-compose.yaml

I got a problem on running ddev on my ubuntu 20.04. Installation of ddev ran without any problems (ddev version v1.15.0), but if i try starting a container it always runs into following error:

.PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/user/.ddev/ssh-auth-compose.yaml' 
Failed to start api-bundle: failed to start ddev-ssh-agent: Failed to run docker-compose [-f /home/user/.ddev/ssh-auth-compose.yaml -p ddev-ssh-agent up --build --force-recreate -d], err='exit status 1', stdout='', stderr='.PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/user/.ddev/ssh-auth-compose.yaml''

I've already tried to give the ddev and home directory and all other directories above a full access (chmod -R 777) the user of the .ddev directory in my project is the same as my home directory owner.

Running .ddev with the same project on a diffrent Ubuntu 19.04 runs like charme.

If i omit the ddev-ssh-agent the container is starting, but crashing when trying to write to router-compose.yaml.

  • Current docker version is 19.03.11, build dd360c7
  • Docker-Compose version 1.25.5,

both installed via snap.

I have no clue what to try next, so hopefully you can help me.

Thanks in advance.


  • Do not install docker-compose with snap (other apt). This should solve your issue: