I am working (in an Angular project) with a form where the user selects something from a HTML Select. from the example below, the "Cat" and "Dog" are optgroup(s) and the other things listed are option(s) attributes. Im wondering if it is possible to have the user select from the drop down, say the "Lion" option, and the text that populates the collapsed version of the drop down to read something like.. Cat: Lion.
Is it possible to do this with just Angular (not jquery)
thanks to the help of shashank sharma's comment i was able to figure it out. i used the example he gave and was able to get it to work by making the label a variable in the typescript and then setting that variable in the onCategorySelection function
onCategorySelection(event: MatOptionSelectionChange, groupName: string) {
if (event.isUserInput) {
this.selected = groupName + ':' + event.source.viewValue;
----->>>> this.animalKingdom = groupName + ':' + event.source.viewValue;
Solution of this problem can't be done with selectionChange
event, we have to use onSelectionChange
event of MatOption which gives us info of MatOptionGroup
For example:
<mat-optgroup *ngFor="let group of categoryGroups"
<mat-option *ngFor="let category of group.options"
[value]="category.value" (onSelectionChange)="onCategorySelection($event, group.name)">
and Typescript
onCategorySelection(event: MatOptionSelectionChange, groupName: string) {
if (event.isUserInput) {
this.groupName = groupName;
I have create a working example for you here.
PS: remember onSelectionChanged() is fired not only when an option is selected but also when it is deselected so if you are using met select with checkbox where we select and deselct onSelectionChanged() will fire both time (can be handled with some checks).