I created a function that converts an image to grayscale image and also a binary image for the image. However, the returned value(which should be the binary image), is coming out purple and yellow. It comes out correct in the function when I do 'cmap = 'gray'', however, I can't do that on the return. How can I make it correct?
My current code is:
def greyscale_and_binary(file, file_name):
this function graphs a histogram for the greyscale for the file inputed. It converts the image to grayscale image
It also creates a binary image for the file
file : Array of float32
the image.
file_name : str
name of the file to be ouputted on the graph.
binary_file : array of bool
binary of the file/image.
gray_file = rgb2grey(file) #convert to grayscale
threshold = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(gray_file) #input value
binary_file = (gray_file < threshold) #binary is when less than trheshold
#plot histogram on grayscale image
histogram, bin_edges = np.histogram(gray_file, bins = 256, range=(0,1))
plt.title('Histogram of gray scale values:'+ file_name)
plt.axvline(threshold, color = 'r', label = 'threshold') #threshold marked with a red vertical line
plt.plot(bin_edges[0:-1], histogram)
#plot binary, original image and gray scale image next to each other
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(8,3))
ax = axes.ravel()
ax[1].imshow(gray_file, cmap = 'gray')
ax[2].imshow(binary_file, cmap = 'gray')
#remove axis
for a in ax:
return binary_file
binarys = greyscale_and_binary(image, 'image')
binarys = morph.remove_small_objects(binarys)
img_blob = morph.remove_small_holes(binarys)
Also, my last two functions aren't working. It doesn't remove the small objects or the small holes. Any reason why or how to fix it?
This is indeed a colormap issue. You can set the global colormap for all plots using the matplotlib rcparams at the very start of your code:
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rc('image', cmap='gray')
This will tell matplotlib to use this setting for the entire runtime. You can change these during runtime and there are also a bunch of other params you can set, described in the documentation.