I am unable to figure out what mistake i have done in the code
Whenever i am calling api, ipfs.add('hello') returns [object AsyncGenerator]
https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/[object AsyncGenerator]
const addFile = async () => {
const Added = await ipfs.add('hello');
return Added;
const fileHash = await addFile();
return fileHash;
You can iterate over the result of .add() like so:
for await (const item of Added) {
console.log('item', item)
item { path: 'QmWfVY9y3xjsixTgbd9AorQxH7VtMpzfx2HaWtsoUYecaX',
cid: CID(QmWfVY9y3xjsixTgbd9AorQxH7VtMpzfx2HaWtsoUYecaX), size: 13 }