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How to share async method across the components - LitElement

I was trying to build a couple of components using lit-element where i have used async method which will be used to fetch the same data from an API.

Utility method:

async resolveData() {
    let response = await fetch('./emp-data.json');
    let empData = await response.json();
    let employees = null;

    employees = empData.employees;

    return employees;

Question: How can i actually separate this utility method from the components and just re-use it. Is there a best way to fix this in the context of lit-element?


  • You can create a separate services in order to serve a particular service across. Here is how:

    step 1: create a service file services.js

    export const litServices = (() => {
        const services = {}
        services.apiService1 = async () => {
            const response = await fetch('./emp-data.json').catch(err => {
                return {
                    data: {
                        isError: true
        return services;

    step 2: Import services into your component and call when needed

    import {
    } from 'litElements'
    import {
    } from 'services'
    class comp extends LitElement {
        static get properties() {
            return {
        constructor() {
        connectedCallback() {
            this.receivedData = this._resolveData();
        async _resolveData() {
            const response = await litServices.apiService1();
            return response;
        _formatResponse(receivedData) {
            console.log('First API response is: ', firstApiResponse);

    This will call the service when needed. This service can be reused across How to create services in litElement - sabarinath blog