I just installed the Android R (API 30) image in my emulator to try my app, and it crashed when trying to set the Background color of a Toast.
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(ctxt, msg, duration);
View view = toast.getView();
TextView tview = view.findViewById(android.R.id.message);
This is really strange as in Android Q (API 29) works perfectly.
My build.gradle updated for Android R (API 30)
compileSdkVersion 30
buildToolsVersion "30.0.1"
Is there a new way to do it??
Since Android 11, custom toasts/ toast modifications are deprecated, according to Google to "protect users". Hence why your app in Android 30 is not able to display custom toasts.
From Android Developers documentation:
Custom toast views are deprecated. Apps can create a standard text toast with the makeText(android.content.Context, java.lang.CharSequence, int)