Is it possible to bind two diff keys to the same widget and call a different function. I am getting error that dbase() missing positional argument event
even though i have passed in event as an argument
UPDATE: So the actual error is when i bind 'Return' to an entry widget and then i try clicking the button, then i get the error:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\tkinter\", line 1705, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
TypeError: dbase() missing 1 required positional argument: 'event'
def search():
log = Toplevel(root)
log.title('Search Book')
def dbase(event):
def clicker(event):
def key_pressed(event):
When you press the button, it will call the function dbase
But your function dbase
need to pass an argument event
, but at this time, it won't pass any arguments.That's why it will raise Exception(If you call the dbase
by the .bind
, it will pass a argument).To solve this issue, you need to bind a default argument for your event
import tkinter
def dbase(event=None):
print("you are passing")
r = tkinter.Tk()
b = tkinter.Button(r,command=dbase)
r.bind_all("<Return>", dbase)
Or if you don't need the argument,use lambda
in the bind
import tkinter
def dbase():
print("you are passing")
r = tkinter.Tk()
b = tkinter.Button(r,command=dbase)
r.bind_all("<Return>", lambda e: dbase())
This could work when you press the button directly or press <Enter>