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How do I increase the font size beyond "is-size-1"?

<h1 class="title is-size-1-desktop is-spaced is-size-2-tablet is-size-3-mobile has-text-centered has-text-primary has-text-weight-bold">Hello World</h1>

How do I increase the font size of that? I want it to say "Hello World" much bigger. Thanks.


  • in your css:

    h1.title {
        font-size: 50px; // or however big you want it

    or inline

    <h1 style="font-size: 50px;" class="title is-size-1-desktop is-spaced is-size-2-tablet is-size-3-mobile has-text-centered has-text-primary has-text-weight-bold">Hello World</h1>

    ps: If you use the first method make sure none of your other classes is overwriting the font-size you could add !important to it to make sure but this is not best practice (font-size: 50px !important;)