I want to format a number separated by comma for every three integer digits. for example 12345.894 -- > 12,345.894. I have no clue how to format it. I have tried for an example but no luck.
format('%,.2f', 12345.894)
The above code will round decimal to 2 digits so it returns 12,345.89. In my case, I want to keep the decimal 12,345.894.
You could use regular expression:
SELECT regexp_replace(cast(123456.8943 as VARCHAR), '(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)', '$1,')
Some explanation:
First we cast to varchar as regex works on string.
The regex actually says: replace any digit \d
you see only if it has one or more +
groups of 3 digits \d{3}
just before the "." (dot) sign \.
. The digit is replaced by the same digit $1
but with comma after it ,
The example can be seen here.
You can see more discussions on the regex here.