In VW, the format for feature namespaces is shown below:
Label [Tag]|Namespace Features |Namespace Features ... |Namespace Features Where:
and an example is:
1 1.0 |MetricFeatures:3.28 height:1.5 length:2.0 |Says black with white stripes |OtherFeatures NumberOfLegs:4.0 HasStripes
Notice that the |MetricFeatures namespace has a higher weight than 1 (3.28). Based on the above example, if I create some feature interactions, say between the M and the S namespaces with -q MS
, does the new feature namespace that is the cross product of the two original ones have an importance weighting of 1 by default? Or would it inherit the product of the two importance Values (in this case 1*3.28 = 3.28)?
And is there a way to modify the weight of the feature interactions manually? E.g. say MetricFeatures has an importance weight of 1, can I have the features generated by the quadratic interaction of MetricFeaturesXSays have an importance weighting of x?
Currently there is no way to individually weight interactions.
The namespace weight is processed at parse time, so when reading in the features of that namespace they are multiplied by the weight.
This can be verified by using --audit
Num weight bits = 18
learning rate = 0.5
initial_t = 0
power_t = 0.5
using no cache
Reading datafile = data.txt
num sources = 1
average since example example current current current
loss last counter weight label predict features
MetricFeatures^height:146807:4.92:0@0 MetricFeatures^length:38580:6.56:0@0 Says^black:100768:1:0@0 Says^with:163314:1:0@0 Says^white:106708:1:0@0Says^stripes:112832:1:0@0 OtherFeatures^NumberOfLegs:146847:4:0@0 OtherFeatures^HasStripes:229154:1:0@0 Constant:116060:1:0@0
1.000000 1.000000 1 1.0 1.0000 0.0000 9
finished run
number of examples = 1
weighted example sum = 1.000000
weighted label sum = 1.000000
average loss = 1.000000
best constant = 1.000000
best constant's loss = 0.000000
total feature number = 9
-> 3.28 * 1.5 = 4.92