This is the case of a dynamic _sql
select passed to a function that tries to execute the query and return a JSON array with the result.
create or replace function jlist_objects_bysql (
_sql varchar
returns json
as $$
json_agg (t)
from (
execute _sql
) as t;
$$ language sql;
The validation error in PostgreSQL 12 is
psql:objects_procedures.sql:874: ERROR: syntax error at or near "t"
LINE 8: from execute _sql t;
Dynamic SQL does not work with the language sql
but rather with language plpgsql
Then, you can enlarge the dynamic query
create or replace function jlist_objects_bysql (
_sql varchar
returns json
as $$
output json;
execute 'select json_agg (t) from ( ' || _sql || '
) as t;'
INTO output;
return output;
$$ language plpgsql;
select jlist_objects_bysql('select * from test');