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How to play an array of [Int16] audio samples from memory in Swift

Trying to build a game music player (NSF, SPC etc) for Mac, using the GME library.

I have spent hours upon hours testing so many solutions and tips here on SO, but it seems no solution works well. I have tried many variants of the AVAudioEngine/AVAudioPlayerNode/scheduleBuffer route, but since none of them worked I simply switched to converting the samples to Wav data and playing from memory. That DOES work, however, converting from [Int16] to [UInt8] (in order to create data for a wave array) is very slow. At least for higher sample rates and songs longer than a few seconds. "Clean" code example below. Feedback and suggestions VERY welcome.


  1. AVAudioPlayerNode example (cannot get to work, eg. input device not found, no sound etc etc)
  2. Buffer to wav data example (works, but sloooow)

override func viewDidLoad() {


    var emu = gme_new_emu( gme_nsf_type, 48000 ) // 48kHz
    gme_open_file("path-to-file-on-disk.nsf", &emu, 48000) // 48kHz

    let sampleCount: Int32 = 150 * 48000 * 2 // 150 = Lenght in sec, 48kHz
    var output = Array<Int16>.init(repeating: 0, count: sampleCount)

    gme_start_track(emu, 0)
    gme_play(emu, sampleCount, &output) // Generates *sampleCount* samples in Int16 format

    let samples = output.withUnsafeBufferPointer { buffer -> Array<Int16> in
        var result = [Int16]()
        for i in stride(from: buffer.startIndex, to: buffer.endIndex, by: 2) {
        return result

    // Calls a slightly modified version of example 2 above 
    // (to support own samples, in Int16 rather than Float).
    // Works! But "fillWave" method is soooo slow!
    play(samples: samples)


  • Had a quick look at SDL library and its audio capabilities. Seems you can just feed whatever buffer type you want, and it just works:

    var desiredSpec = SDL_AudioSpec()
    desiredSpec.freq = 48000
    desiredSpec.format = SDL_AudioFormat(AUDIO_S16) // Specify Int16 as format
    desiredSpec.samples = 1024
    var obtainedSpec = SDL_AudioSpec()
    SDL_OpenAudio(&desiredSpec, &obtainedSpec)
    SDL_QueueAudio(1, samples, Uint32(sampleCount)) // Samples and count from original post
    SDL_PauseAudio(0) // Starts playing, virtually no lag!

    Would still appreciate any feedback on the original post/question, but in terms of a solution I think this is as good as (or better) than any.