I have a scenario where I need to capture below details in the init.gradle file.
Can we get all the activity of task ?
the Inputs params for UploadArchive and publish task, which repo is the artifact getting uploaded, all the GAV details …as POM can be customize within uploadArchive task.
We have applications running v3.5 to v6.3 versions of Gradle.
Hi @PrasadU
Can we determine which deployment url, uploadArchive task will pick at runtime.
uploadArchive {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: ReleaseURL) {
authentication(userName: Username, password: Password)
snapshotRepository(url: SnapshotURL ) {
authentication(userName: Username, password: Password)
A task to list the same be made as below
publishing {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
groupId = 'abc.xyz'
artifactId = 'overr-name'
version = '1.1-OV'
from components.java
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("$buildDir/repos/releases")
maven {
url = uri("$buildDir/repos/snaps")
task printML() {
doLast {
tasks.findAll {task ->
if (task.name.matches("publish.*PublicationToMavenLocal")) {
def publication = task.publicationInternal
println("Local => $publication.artifactId $publication.groupId $publication.version")
if (task.name.matches("publish.*PublicationTo.*Repository")) {
def publication = task.publicationInternal
println("Remote => $publication.artifactId $publication.groupId $publication.version $task.repository.url")
Sample output
> Task :printML
Remote => overr-name abc.xyz 1.1-OV file:/Users/projects/Store/combined-samples/build/repos/snaps
Local => overr-name abc.xyz 1.1-OV
Remote => overr-name abc.xyz 1.1-OV file:/Users/projects/Store/combined-samples/build/repos/releases