Suppose I have a graph containing students from three different grades.
Sample graph:
<http://some/graph#John_Doe> rdf:type <http://some/graph/ontology#Student>
<http://some/graph#John_Doe> <http://some/graph#hasGrade> <http://some/graph#Grade_3>
<http://some/graph#Grade_3> rdf:type <http://some/graph/ontology#Grade>
I want to create an attribute for every instance of class Grade called gradeStrength to store the number of students in that grade.
With the above example it would look like:
<http://some/graph#Grade_3> <http://some/graph#gradeStrength> 1^^xsd:integer
Currently I do it using two separate queries as follows -
How can I achieve this by using a single SPARQL/Update query using the INSERT and GROUP BY constructs? I tried writing such a query and it fails in Blazegraph.
?grade <http://some/graph#gradeStrength> ?gradeStrength
SELECT ?grade (COUNT(?student) AS ?gradeStrength)
?student <http://some/graph#hasGrade> ?grade .
GROUP BY ?grade
Answer made from comment by @UninformedUser. Tested on Blazegraph by uploading sample triples from the question.