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Reorder mlr3's trained model importance values to match that of task in R?

I was wonder how I could reorder the importance of features produced from a trained model from 'mlr3' to match the order of the feature names from task$feature_names? For example, if I create a task and model from mlr3 like so:

#Get data
aq <- data.frame(airquality)
aq <- na.omit(aq)

# Create mlr3 task and model
aq_T = TaskRegr$new(id = "aq", backend = aq, target = "Ozone")
aqLrn = lrn("regr.ranger", importance = "permutation")
aq_M <- aqLrn$train(aq_T)

and then I take a look at both the feature names and the importance values, it results in the following:

name <- aq_T$feature_names #task feature names
imp <- aq_M$importance().  #models importance values

> name
[1] "Solar.R" "Wind"    "Temp"    "Month"   "Day"
> imp
     Temp      Wind   Solar.R     Month       Day 
597.43488 455.69392 112.31195  30.28683  21.80924 

The importance values are ordered by the highest to lowest values. But I was wondering if it's possible to reorder the imp values to match the order of the feature names given by name(in the above example).

Taking a look at the structure of both name and imp tells me:

> str(name)
 chr [1:5] "Solar.R" "Wind" "Temp" "Month" "Day"
> str(imp)
 Named num [1:5] 597.4 455.7 112.3 30.3 21.8
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "Temp" "Wind" "Solar.R" "Month" ...


  • I figured out a way to reorder the named numeric imp. This did the trick:

    imp[order(factor(names(imp), levels = name))]