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Zero-length error when trying to Lag xts time series?

I have basic xts object generated using the following.

temp1 <- getSymbols("GOOG",src = 'yahoo',from=Sys.Date()-50,to = Sys.Date(),auto.assign=FALSE)
temp2 <- temp1$GOOG.Close
2020-05-20    1406.72
2020-05-21    1402.80
2020-05-22    1410.42
2020-05-26    1417.02
2020-05-27    1417.84
2020-05-28    1416.73
Error in c.xts(NA_real_, c(1406.719971, 1402.800049, 1410.420044, 1417.02002,  : 
  zero-length vectors with non-zero-length index are not allowed

As far as I can tell temp2 is not zero length so I don't understand the error.

Similarly the diff(temp2) function does work as expected.

This seems to have started when I recently updated to R 4.0.1

I cannot find any explanation for this error considering I do have a non-zero vector.


  • Do you have dplyr loaded, by chance? That's the only way I can replicate your error.

    dplyr masks the stats::lag() generic function that ships with base R. That breaks method dispatch for all S3 classes that define a lag() method. So that means lag() may or may not work for those classes.

    R> head(lag(temp2, 1))
    2020-05-26         NA
    2020-05-27    1417.02
    2020-05-28    1417.84
    2020-05-29    1416.73
    2020-06-01    1428.92
    2020-06-02    1431.82
    R> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr))
    R> head(lag(temp2, 1))
    Error in c.xts(NA_real_, c(1417.02002, 1417.839966, 1416.72998, 1428.920044,  : 
      zero-length vectors with non-zero-length index are not allowed

    So you either need to: 1) not load dplyr, or 2) explicitly call stats::lag() everywhere you don't want to use dplyr::lag().