I am attempting to produce a single raster image composed of other stacked raster images from my directory:
ncfiles <- list.files("~/Desktop/Summer 2020/Tropomi/Aerosol Height", full.names = T, pattern = "*.nc")
When I follow this example, and run this loop:
bigstack <- stack()
test <- function(file) { for (i in 1: length(ncfiles)){
GetMyImage <- tryCatch(
fname <-(ncfiles[i])
f <- nc_open(fname)
error=function(e) {
message('Caught Error')
warning=function(w) {
message('Caught Warning')
finally = {
message('All done')
if(inherits(errorCondition("ERROR :", next)))
varx <- attributes(f$var) $names
vary <- ncvar_get(f, varx)
proj <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
rbrick <- brick(vary, crs=proj)
extent(rbrick) <- c(-180, -140, 10, 30)
Then attempt to stack:
allyrs <- lapply(ncfiles, test)
My loop runs on repeat, nonstop. What is causing my loop to run endlessly? And how may I produce the desired stacked raster image? Thanks for any input!
My problem here was making the loop too complicated and containing counter intuitive components like what was previously suggested in the comments. I reformatted the loop to:
ncfiles <- list.files("~/Desktop/Summer 2020/Tropomi/Aerosol Height", full.names = T, pattern = "*.nc")
bigstack <- stack()
for (i in 1: length(ncfiles)){
fname <-(ncfiles[i])
f <- nc_open(fname)
ah <- ncvar_get(f, varid = "DETAILED_RESULTS/aerosol_optical_thickness")
lon <- ncvar_get(nc, varid = "PRODUCT/longitude")
lat <- ncvar_get(nc, varid = "PRODUCT/latitude")
s1 <- data.frame(as.vector(lon), as.vector(lat), as.vector(ah))
crsLatLon <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
ex <- extent(c(-180,180,-90,90))
pmraster <- raster(ncol=360*10, nrow=180*10, crs=crsLatLon,ext=ex)
pmraster <- rasterize(s1[,1:2], pmraster, s1[,3], fun=mean, na.rm=T)
exHI <- extent(c(-180,-140,10,30))
bigstack <- stack(bigstack, pmraster)
stacking <- calc(bigstack, fun=mean, na.rm=T)
levelplot(crop(stacking, exHI))