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Problem inserting database row using last row in sqlite

I'd like to be able to do the following initially and also at anytime.

insert into balance (closing_amount, opening_amount, created, tx_id)

select closing_amount + :value, closing_amount, :date, :tx_id from balance order by id desc limit 1

Basically I'm inserting by using previous values. But if there are no values to begin with, nothing gets inserted.

I could use a union to which works the first time but duplicates on subsequent inserts.

I want to avoid two trips. Is there a way to do this?

Also, the tx_id will always be unique.


  • I think you want something like this:

    insert into balance (closing_amount, opening_amount, created, tx_id)
    select coalesce(max(closing_amount), 0) + :value, 
           coalesce(max(closing_amount), 0), 
    from (       
      select closing_amount 
      from balance 
      order by tx_id desc
      limit 1
    ) t;

    You only need the last closing_amount, so max(closing_amount) from the subquery, which returns 1 row or none at all, will return that closing_amount or null respectively.

    See a simplified demo.