I have found this python code online (twitter_map_clustered.py
) which (I think) help create a map using the geodata of different tweets.:
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import folium
from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster
import json
def get_parser():
parser = ArgumentParser()
return parser
def make_map(geojson_file, map_file):
tweet_map = folium.Map(Location=[50, 5], max_zoom=20)
marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(tweet_map)
geodata= json.load(open(geojson_file))
for tweet in geodata['features']:
marker = folium.Marker(tweet['geometry']['coordinates'], popup=tweet['properties']['text'])
#Save to HTML map file
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
make_map(args.geojson, args.map)
I managed to extract the geo information of different tweets and save it into a geo_data.json
file. However, I have trouble understanding the code, specially the function def get_parser()
It seems that we need to add argument when running the file in the command prompt. The argument should be geo_data.json
. However, it is also asking for a map ? parser.add_argument('--map')
Why is it the case? In the code, aren't we creating the map here?
#Save to HTML map file
Can you please help me. How would you run the python script ? Is there anything important I am missing ?
As explained by argparse
documentation, it simply asks for the name of the geojson file and a name that your code will use to save the map.
Therefore, you will run:
python twitter_map_clustered.py --geojson geo_data.json --map mymap.html
and you will get a map named mymap.html