How to force https for a domain in Vesta control panel? The Vesta docs give the following instructions. However, after following them, in the Vesta control panel > packages > default > edit > in Web Template NGINX dropdown force-https
does not appear and so cannot be selected. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1. Install custom nginx template
cd /usr/local/vesta/data/templates/web
tar -xzvf nginx.tar.gz
rm -f nginx.tar.gz
3. Create new package or set force-https as nginx template in the existing package
4. Add new user and assing him package with force-https template
5. Add new domain with SSL certificate and check the result
Run the below command after making the changes. It will make the change appear in the packages settings ... packages > default > edit > Proxy Template NGINX. Replace USER with your server user
/usr/local/vesta/bin/v-rebuild-user USER
this command will rebuild user Configuration and can overrite your custom configuration
Here is a link to a different implementation