I am trying to use dask-jobqueue on a high performing computer (HPC).
Following the documentation on dask-jobqueue here, I am trying to install dask-jobqueue on an instance of a Jupyter Notebook in the HPC with the following code:
install dask-jobqueue -c conda-forge
but I am getting the following error:
File "<ipython-input-10-cad837f248c1>", line 1
install dask-jobqueue -c conda-forge
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I have attached a screenshot here:
I am not sure what I did wrong and what do I do now? Would really appreciate any help.
Many thanks in advance.
It looks like you want to install dask-jobqueue from the conda-forge repository using conda
as stated in the docs. But then you should adhere to the full command with the correct syntax:
!conda install dask-jobqueue -c conda-forge -y
Notice the leading !
to execute command line statements directly from the notebook. I also added the -y
option of conda to automatically approve the installation of conda packages within a Jupyter notebook.
I am assuming the conda environment is installed on the computer. Otherwise, you should use the alternative with pip
!pip install dask-jobqueue --upgrade