Question is regarding check constraint on HSTORE field in Postgres.
create table archives_seasonmodel
(episodes hstore)
This is very shortened version of table I have, but just for example its ok.
Episodes contains data in the following format:
1 => 2020-03-01, 2 => 2020-03-07, 5=> 2020-03-29, 3=> 2020-03-14
Where key is always a positive digit and value is a date.
I want to create a constraint that would check any new data for following condition:
– each date in a key/value pair should be greater or equal comparative to previous key/value pair ordered by keys ASC.
Good data:
1 => 2020-03-01, 2 => 2020-03-07, 5=> 2020-03-29, 3=> 2020-03-14
2020-03-29 >= 2020-03-14 >= 2020-03-07 >= 2020-03-01
5 >=3 >=2 >=1
Bad data:
1 => 2020-03-01, 2 => 2020-06-07, 5=> 2020-03-29, 3=> 2020-03-14
2020-03-29 >= 2020-03-14 not >= 2020-06-07 >= 2020-03-01
5 >=3 >=2 >=1
2020-03-14 not >= 2020-06-07
but it should be as 2020-03-14
has key 3
has key 2
. Date of key 3
should be greater or equal to date with key 2
because 3 > 2
Is it possible to create such constraint or it is just out of reality???
Thank you
Create a function for checking the condition. Use the hstore function each()
and aggregation function array_agg()
create or replace function check_episodes(hstore)
returns boolean language sql as $$
select array_agg(key order by key::int) = array_agg(key order by value::date)
from each($1)
create table archives_seasonmodel (
episodes hstore check (check_episodes(episodes))