I looked at the documents for scipy.integrate.RK45
, but I could not find good examples.
I'm trying to implement the ODE for an infectious disease, with pre-defined parameters beta, f, gamma
and initial values for the groups of population (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, Recovered) S0, E0, I0, R0
. (I will post these values if I need to, but I think these are irrelevant for my question.)
I know how to implement scipy.integrate.odeint
def SIR_model(y, t, f, beta, gamma):
S, E, I, R = y
dS = -beta*S*I
dE = beta*S*I - f*E
dI = f*E - gamma*I
dR = gamma*I
return [dS, dE, dI, dR]
sol = scipy.integrate.odeint(SIR_model, [S0,E0,I0,R0], t, args=(f, beta,gamma))
does the job. My goal right now is to use the RK45
method. I realized that this method needs to be implemented differently, but I got raised an error when I tried the following:
scipy.integrate.RK45(fun=SIR_model, t0 = t[0], y0 = [S0,E0,I0,R0],t_bound=t[-1])
# raised TypeError: SIR_model() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'f', 'beta', and 'gamma'
scipy.integrate.RK45(fun=SIR_model(y,t,f,beta,gamma), t0 = t[0], y0 = [S0,E0,I0,R0],t_bound=t[-1])
# raised TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
y0 = [S0,E0,I0,R0]
scipy.integrate.RK45(fun=SIR_model(y0,t,f,beta,gamma), t0 = t[0], y0 = [S0,E0,I0,R0],t_bound=t[-1])
# raised TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Use solve_ivp
with method="RK45"
, this is mostly similar to odeint
in terms of automatization. Take care that the ODE function needs t
as first argument.
itself is a stepper class, you would have to implement the main time loop yourself, which sometimes offers greater flexibility.
See Cannot import X problem. Stiff ODE solver for Oregonator Model for a longer example with the Radau stepper.