(base) macbooks-mbp:functions macbook$ firebase deploy
=== Deploying to 'fir-project1-e0b25'...
i deploying functions
Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run lint
> functions@ lint /Users/macbook/fireCast/functions
> tslint --project tsconfig.json
Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run build
> functions@ build /Users/macbook/fireCast/functions
> tsc
✔ functions: Finished running predeploy script.
i functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled...
i functions: ensuring required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled...
**⚠ functions: missing required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com. Enabling now...**
✔ functions: required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled
Error: Cloud Functions deployment requires the pay-as-you-go (Blaze) billing plan. To upgrade your project, visit the following URL:
For additional information about this requirement, see Firebase FAQs:
If you read the error message carefully, it tells you what you need to do:
Cloud Functions deployment requires the pay-as-you-go (Blaze) billing plan. To upgrade your project, visit the following URL: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/fir-project1-e0b25/usage/details
Cloud Functions no longer allows you to deploy functions targeting the nodejs 10 runtime without a billing account active on the project.