Is it possible to customize the filename in phpword when I want to download it?
I want that the file takes the prenoms
of the exported row.
My code:
public function edit (Stagiaire $stagiaire)
$id = $stagiaire ->id;
$desc1 = Stagiaire::find($id);
$my_template = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor(public_path('templateStagiaire.docx'));
$my_template->setValue('id, $desc->id);
$my_template->setValue('prenoms, $desc->prenoms);
$my_template->setValue('nom, $desc->nom);
$filename = $stagiaire->prenoms;
}catch (Réception $e){}
return response()->download(storage_path('".$filename.".docx));
Need help. Thanks in advance.
Laravel example for downloading file:
public function edit(Stagiaire $stagiaire, $downloadName = null)
$id = $stagiaire->id;
$desc = Stagiaire::find($id);
$my_template = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor(public_path('templateStagiaire.docx'));
$my_template->setValue('id', $desc->id);
$my_template->setValue('prenoms', $desc->prenoms);
$my_template->setValue('nom', $desc->nom);
// save as `prenoms` filename
$filename = $stagiaire->prenoms;
try {
} catch (Reception $e) {
// if download name is null, then use filename
$downloadName = $downloadName??$filename;
return response()->download(storage_path("$filename.docx"))
->header('Content-disposition','attachment; filename="'.$downloadName.'"');