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Plotting a bar/colum plot in R

I am trying the following plotting.

I have this data set:

Pathway   Value    Col.Code
AKTSig        1         r
HRAS          2         r
Lbind         3         h
GPCRact       4         r
ACHsig        5         h
ACEest        -2        r
MRNAspl       -3        h
Notch         -4        h
Delta         -5        r
Sonic         -6        r 

I would like to plot a graph that has these columns with pathway along the x axis, value up the y axis and the columns coloured by the Col.Code column. I have tried geom_col() from ggplot2 but this always rearranges the columns into a random order i.e. not highest value to most negative. I have also tried geom_bar() but this creates counts for the pathways and doesn't plot what I have described above.


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