im trying to do a banck acc in python with getters and setters but the setter does not recognize the ValueError when I put str in saldo, however it is supposed to popup some error because this is just for int and float not for str
class Conta(Cliente):
def __init__(self, nome, idade, cpf, agencia, conta, saldo):
super().__init__(nome, idade, cpf)
self._agencia = agencia
self._conta = conta
self.saldo = saldo
def saldo(self):
print('teste getter')
return self._saldo
def saldo(self, value):
print('test setter')
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
ValueError('value NEED to be a number!')
self._saldo = value
cliente = Conta('leonardo', 1231,123123,1232,123123,saldo = 'it is supposed to print ValueError')
test setter
You are missing the raise
keyword before the name of the Exception
to actually raise it, try the following code instead :
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
raise ValueError('value NEED to be a number!')
Relevant Python documentation page: Errors and Exceptions - Raising Exceptions