I have finished reading Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe (Pragprog) and I am trying to expand upon the item_controller.ex to allow for “menu item” editing.
I have made these functions in the controller:
@graphql """
query ($id: ID!) {
menu_item(id: $id) @put {
def edit(conn, %{data: %{menu_item: item}}) do
render(conn, "edit.html", item: item)
@graphql """
mutation UpdateMenuItem($id: ID!, $input: MenuItemInput!) {
updatedMenuItem: updateMenuItem(id: $id, input: $input) {
errors { key message }
menuItem {
def update(conn, %{data: %{menu_item: _}}) do
|> redirect(to: "/admin/items")
def update(conn, %{errors: errors}) do
|> put_flash(:info, Enum.reduce(errors, "", fn e, a -> a <> e.message end))
|> redirect(to: "/admin/items")
Here is my edit.html.eex:
<%= render "form.html",
Map.put(assigns, :action,
Routes.item_path(@conn, :update, @item)) %>
Here is my form.html.eex:
<%= form_for @conn, @action, [method: :put, as: :input], fn f -> %>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="description">Description</label>
<input type="string" id="description" as="description" name="description" value="<%= @item.description %>"/>
<label for="price">price</label>
<input type="string" id="price" name="price" value="<%= @item.price %>"/>
<label for="name">name</label>
<input type="string" id="name" name="name" value="<%= @item.name %>"/>
<label for="category">category</label>
<input type="string" id="category" name="categoryId" value="<%= @item.category_id %>"/>
<%= submit "Update", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
But I get an error when I submit the form. This is the error:
In argument "input": Expected type "MenuItemInput!", found null.
Variable "input": Expected non-null, found null.
It makes sense to me. I could, for example change the name attribute of any of the input elements in form.html.eex to be "input" and then I would get a different error:
Argument "input" has invalid value $input.
Again, it makes sense to me. The $input argument is not a MenuItemInput variable.
So I am looking to approach this in either of 2 possible ways:
In the form.html.eex, I create a “form within a form” so that it has an “input” field which, in turn, has several fields. Maybe an "input group"?
In the item_controller I pass variables into the @graphql module attribute. I simply don’t know how to do this. I experimented with a lot of strange syntax because I cannot even find examples of SDL that have the variables inline.
Any advice/criticism/ideas are very welcome. I’m sure somebody else has done this since it seems like a natural thing to try after finishing the book.
I answered my own question! I just had to change my @graphql
query to this:
mutation UpdateMenuItem($id: ID!, $description: String!, $name: String!, $price: Decimal!, $categoryId: ID!) {
update_menu_item(id: $id, input: {description: $description, name: $name, price: $price, categoryId: $categoryId}) {
errors { key message }
menu_item {
So it seems you cannot really use custom input types like MenuItemInput
when using this @graphql module attribute in Phoenix controllers. Also I had to use snake-case for the field names.
P.S. I changed my controller update
function signature to this:
def update(conn, %{data: %{update_menu_item: %{errors: nil, menu_item: menu_item}}}) do
A word of warning to anybody else doing this - mutations that come from Absinthe.Phoenix don’t trigger subscriptions! Here is a github issue for this problem: https://github.com/absinthe-graphql/absinthe_phoenix/issues/74 So you will have to manually publish if you want Phoenix controller actions to work with subscriptions.