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Proving two bindings equal in Nominal Isabelle

Consider the following datatypes with bindings in Nominal Isabelle:

theory Example
  imports "Nominal2.Nominal2" 

atom_decl vrs

nominal_datatype ty = 
    Tvar   "vrs"
  | Arrow x::vrs T::"ty" binds x in T

nominal_datatype trm = 
    Var   "vrs"
  | Abs   x::"vrs" t::"trm"  binds x in t 

  typing :: "trm ⇒ ty ⇒ bool" ("_ , _" [60,60] 60) 
 T_Abs[intro]: "(Abs x t) , (Arrow x T)"

equivariance typing
nominal_inductive typing done 

  assumes "(Abs x t), (Arrow y T)"
  shows "x = y"
  using assms 

I want to prove that the two bindings appearing in the relation are equal. I see two ways an Isabelle user could help:

  1. If you know Nominal Isabelle is it possible to do this?
  2. Otherwise, are the two occurrences of x in the rule T_Abs equal for the assistant or are they sort of bound variable with different identity?


    1. If you know Nominal Isabelle is it possible to do this?

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to prove the theorem that you are trying to prove. Here is a counterexample (the proofs were Sledgehammered):

    theory Scratch
      imports "Nominal2.Nominal2" 
    atom_decl vrs
    nominal_datatype ty = 
        Tvar   "vrs"
        | Arrow x::vrs T::"ty" binds x in T
    nominal_datatype trm = 
        Var   "vrs"
        | Abs   x::"vrs" t::"trm"  binds x in t 
      typing :: "trm ⇒ ty ⇒ bool" ("_ , _" [60,60] 60) 
     T_Abs[intro]: "(Abs x t) , (Arrow x T)"
    equivariance typing
    nominal_inductive typing . 
    abbreviation s where "s ≡ Sort ''Scratch.vrs'' []"
    abbreviation v where "v n ≡ Abs_vrs (Atom s n)"
    lemma neq: "Abs (v 1) (Var (v 0)), Arrow (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Tvar (v 0))"
      (is "?a, ?b")
      have a_def: "Abs (v 1) (Var (v 0)) = Abs (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Var (v 0))"
        by simp (smt Abs_vrs_inverse atom.inject flip_at_base_simps(3) fresh_PairD(2) 
            fresh_at_base(2) mem_Collect_eq nat.distinct(1) sort_of.simps trm.fresh(1))
      from typing.simps[of ?a ?b, unfolded this, THEN iffD2] have
        "Abs (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Var (v 0)) , Arrow (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Tvar (v 0))"
        by auto
      then show ?thesis unfolding a_def by clarsimp
    lemma "∃x y t T. x ≠ y ∧ (Abs x t), (Arrow y T)"
    proof(intro exI conjI)
      show "v 1 ≠ v (Suc (Suc 0))" 
        by (smt Abs_vrs_inverse One_nat_def atom.inject mem_Collect_eq n_not_Suc_n 
      show "Abs (v 1) (Var (v 0)) , Arrow (v (Suc (Suc 0))) (Tvar (v 0))"
        by (rule neq)
    1. Otherwise, are the two occurrences of x in the rule T_Abs equal for the assistant or are they sort of bound variable with different identity?

    I believe that you are thinking along the right lines and, hopefully, the example above will clarify any confusion that you might have. Generally, you could interpret the meaning of Abs x t1 = Abs y t2 as the alpha-equivalence of (λx. t1) and (λy. t2). Of course, (λx. t1) and (λy. t2) may be alpha equivalent without x and y being equal.